References and relevant Websites
Banks, M. and Zeitlyn, D. (2015) Visual methods in Social research. London: Sage.
Berger, J. and Mohr, J., (1982) Another way of telling. London: Bloomsbury.
Bourdieu, P., (1984) Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge.
Descola, P. (2013) The Ecology of Others. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press.
Feld, S. (2003) A Rainforest Acoustemology. In M., Bull and L., Back(eds.), The Auditory Culture Reader. Oxford: Berg.
Ferrarini, L. (2017) Enactive filmmaking: Rethinking ethnographic cinema in the first person. Visual Anthropology Review 33(2): 130-140.
Hornborg, A. (2016) Global magic: technologies of appropriation from Ancient Rome to Wall Street. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kohn, E., (2013) How Forests think: Toward an Anthropology beyond the Human. London: University of California Press.
Morton, T. (2007) Ecology without nature. London: Harvard University Press.
Rival, L. (2001) 'Trees from symbols of Life and regeneration to political artefacts. In L., Rival(ed.) The Social life of trees: Anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism. Oxford: Berg.
Wikan, U. (1992) ‘Beyond the words: The power of resonance’. American Ethnologist 19(3): 460-482.
Harriet Fraser cited in Tree Charter (2017), "Imagine: a wood starts with one small seed. We’re stronger together – people and trees." My project is inspired by a similarvision of equality or at least accountability between humans and non-humans, the latter including trees.
According to Hornborg(2016), the technologies of appropriation are globally orchestrated in expense of natural resources. My project aspires to go beyond ecology and questions why we call the natural habitats as resources and whether a morality beyond human is possible(Kohn 2013).
The threats to UK trees are supposed to be mostly non-human. The scientists are worried about the well-being of the trees, not to the extend they care about the humans' well being, as the fungus that caused ash dietback is also responsible for humans' allergies. In a sense, the trees come under our own protection.(Morton 2007). However, the protection does not guarantee their safety. If the fungus can wipe out a whole population of ash trees on local or national level, the humans are out-of-challenge as soon as they target a forest's area on local, national and global level, in order to obtain sustainable energy or any other relevant or irrelevant profit.
Nalina Nakdarni, an eminent researcher of forests' diversity in Costa Rica, explores the mysterious canopy scapes. At one specific point of her presentation, she refers to the catastrophic creation of gaps in-between the canopies. In the film Forest alone, Jess, a Conservation student, warns that the building plan of the University of Kent has already dispersed and sepa.rated the various areas of forestry from each other. Consequently, some species dependent on the forest area die out. The plead for a more focused research at home to conservation researchers is manifested through the words of Anna "How scientists care more about Amazonia than the Chaucer Fields?"
Indeed, the University of Kent was not founded in great expense of forest area. Moreover, it extended the "wild" areas by planting new trees throughout the first thirty years. However, this forthcoming overlap of wild areas by the University's buildings is leading the local diverse species into radical deconstruction. Moreover, the "green spaces" within the campus heart, as it is promoted by the students' community for greater spaces of leisure time, are replacing any remnants of wild life on campus.
Suzanne Simard, a major researcher with 30 years of experience in Canadian forests have led her to hope that her paramount discovery of "talking trees" can persuade the us to change "how we practice forestry, from clear-cutting and herbiciding to more holistic and sustainable methods. These which are less expensive and more practical. What I was thinking?" And my film continues: Which are less productivity-focused and even less profitable for humankind. Which are taking account of the short-term and the long-term consequences of the human intervention not only on humans' futures, but also the forests' and other species' future(Kohn 2013).